How to manage your G Suite Email User Account? Print

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Make sure that people on your team have a user account in order to sign in and use your organization's Google services.


A. Add a User Account

To add a user account, you need only the person’s first and last name. Also, you can have a secondary email address so they can get an email message that has sign-in details for the new account. When it comes to password, you can automatically generate it or create a new one.

Here are the steps:

  1.  Log in the administrator account that will direct you to the Google Admin console.
  2.  Go to Users.
  3. Select the organizational unit to which you want to add the user.
  4. Click Add new User.
  5. (Optional) If you want to add photo, just click add photo and select the photo file.
  6. Add account information.
  7. Create a password
  8. Click Add new user.

To know more details on adding user,  go this link:


B. Edit a User Account

When editing a user's account, it is important that you fully understand the impact of changing a username.

To edit or rename a user, here are the steps:

  1.  Log in your administrator account that will direct you to the Google Admin console.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. Find the user on the Users list.
  4. Point the user and click rename.

To know more details on editing or renaming a user, go this link: 


C. Reset a User's Password

As an administrator, you can reset user's password from the Google Admin Console. 

To reset a user's password, here are the steps:

  1.  Log in your administrator account that will direct you to Google Admin console.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. Find the user in the Users list.
  4. Hover over the user and click Reset password at the right
  5. Click Password > Reset Password.


To know more details on changing user's password, go this link:


D. Delete a User Account

You can delete an account when a user leaves your organization. When deleting an account, the user cannot access any of your organization’s G Suite services. However, as an administrator, you can transfer files and data owned by the user.

To delete a user, here are the steps:

  1. Log in your administrator account that will direct you to Google Admin console.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. (Optional) To delete a single account, just point the user you want to delete and click More > Delete user
  4.  (Optional) To delete multiple users, from the Users list, check the box next to each user that you want to delete, then click More > Delete selected users.

To know more details on deleting a user, go this link:




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