How to transfer account ownership? Print

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There are two main methods for transferring ownership: using the owner account and submitting a formal letter with the company letterhead. Read on to find step-by-step instructions for each method.

Method 1: Request using the Owner's Account

  1. Log in to your Wazile Hub account with the credentials of the current owner.
  2. Navigate to the Open Ticket
  3. Create a Ticket Support and use a subject line such as "Account Ownership Transfer Request - [Your Company Name]
  4. Wait for a response from the support team. They may require additional information or documentation to validate the request.
  5. Follow any further instructions provided by the support team to complete the ownership transfer process.

Method 2: Request using a Formal Letter

  1. Create a formal letter on your company letterhead. Include the following details:

    • Date of the letter
    • Your name and contact information
    • Company name and address
    • Subject: Request for Account Ownership Transfer
    • Briefly explain the reason for the transfer, such as a change in business ownership or the need to delegate responsibilities.
    • Clearly state the current account owner's details (username or email address) and the desired new account owner's details.
    • Provide contact information for both the current and new account owners.
    • Sign the letter with your name and title.
  2. Once the letter is prepared, scan or save it as a PDF document.

  3. Send the formal letter to the support team via one of the following email addresses: (only for registered users/clients) or Use a subject line such as "Account Ownership Transfer Request - [Your Company Name]."

  4. Wait for a response from the support team. They may require additional information or documentation to validate the request.

  5. Follow any further instructions provided by the support team to complete the ownership transfer process.

If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, don't hesitate to contact the support team for guidance.

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